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Website created on october 2010
Pierre Fabre, Directeur du département Environnements et Sociétés, Campus International de Baillarguet, Montpellier,
Frans Verberne, Director, ETC Foundation, Leusden, The Netherlands
Scientific / technical editors, Bernard Triomphe (CIRAD) and Nicoliene Oudwater (ETC)
Design and conception,
Délégation aux systèmes d'information, Cirad
Avenue Agropolis - TA 182 / 05 - 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5
Webmaster, Bernard Triomphe and Nicoliene Oudwater
Banner photo credit, © Bernard Triomphe
Users' rights and obligations
The contents of this site are protected under literary and artistic property law, the Berne Convention, EU directive 96/9/CE and book 1 of the French Code de la propriété intellectuelle. All reproductions other than for the personal use of visitors to the site, notably with a view to publication in any form, are strictly forbidden without the express written permission of CIRAD and ETC. Visitors are responsible for their interpretation and use of the information consulted, and for the data they provide on forms included in the site. They are bound by the prevailing rules and regulations. With regard to information concerning specific individuals, visitors are bound by the recommendations issued by the French Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL). In particular, the copying of information from the site for commercial or advertising purposes is expressly forbidden. In all cases, proper citation of any material and information taken from the site is requested.
Although the greatest possible care has been exercised in the construction of this web site, the possibility exists that certain information is outdated or incomplete. CIRAD and ETC Foundation do not guarantee the topicality and completeness of the information contained on this internet site and are on no account liable for any direct or indirect damage which may arise from the use of the information contained on this internet site and/or linked external websites. CIRAD and ETC Foundation can not be hold liable for (in)direct damage as a result of viruses found on its website. CIRAD ETC Foundation can change the information on this website without prior notification at any moment in time.
Creation of links : Any links to the pages on this site shall expressly mention CIRAD and ETC, and the relevant page shall open in a new window.
Photo and illustration credits : All rights of reproduction are reserved, in France and overseas. CIRAD owns all the photos on the site or has obtained permission from the photographer for their use on the CIRAD website alone. Users should contact the CIRAD photolibrary to obtain copies:
CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) is a scientific research organization specialized in agronomic research applied to the warm areas, Cirad's mission is to contribute to the rural development of the tropical regions by research, experimental achievements, training activities, and by scientific and technical information, in France and abroad. Its activities cover the fields of agronomic, veterinary, forest, agrofood and social sciences. CIRAD Head Office : 42, rue Scheffer 75116 Paris France
ETC Foundation is a not-for-profit organization registered in the Netherlands and specialised in development programmes ETC's main areas of expertise are rural development, sustainable agriculture and natural resource use, urban agriculture, indigenous knowledge systems, renewable energy systems, and public health programmes. ETC has developed an exceptional and innovative network amongst governmental and non-governmental organisations all over the world. ETC Head office : Kastanjelaan 5, 3833 AN Leusden, The Netherlands
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